Fotky & fotoreporty
Sun Dance Open Air - Beach Party Domaša
Sun Dance open air beach party: 16:00 Folly 17:00 Paul G 18:00 Stan 19:00 Folly 20:00 Trix 21:00 Beat 22:00 Bidlo aka Dj Aqua 00:00 Milan Lieskovsky 02:00 Lucca 04:00 Peetboy Tak konečne sa niekto rozhodol spraviť poriadnu párty aj u nás na východe. 2.8.2008 sa na Domaši r.o. Dobrá konala akcia s názvom Sun Dance. Celé sa to začalo o 16:00 za krásneho počasia, ale nám sa podarilo doraziť na miesto konania až po piatej hodine. Ako sa ukázalo, o nič sme neprišli lebo podľa programu hral Folly ešte aj o 19:00... Areál bol pripravený, aj keď sľubované palmy som tam nevidel, ale vôbec nechýbali...Na začiatku to domáci DJs Paul G, Stan a Folly nemali veľmi ľahké, lebo ludí nebolo - aspoň sme si stihli dať nejaké to pivko a niečo pod zub. Ale s príchodom večera prišli aj ľudia a začali sa hýbať aj pred pódiom, kde bola piesková plocha. To už hral legenda košickej klubovej scény Trix. Počas jeho setu sa areál akoby zázrakom naplnil a ked hral ďalší domáci Vranovčan Beat, tak nebolo pochýb, že akcia sa vydarila... O desiatej večer vystúpil so svojim setom Bidlo alias Dj Aqua, známy tiež z rádia FM. Aj napriek malému výpadku prúdu na pódiu dokázal všetkých tancachtivých dostať do varu. S príchodom polnoci prišiel aj jeden z hlavných ťahákov večera a podľa mnohých aj vrchol celej párty Milan Lieskovsky, v súčasnosti považovaný za jedného z najlepších slovenských DJov. A Milan nám všetkým dokázal, že prívlastok najlepší nezískal náhodou. Už teraz sa tešim na jeho set v Sobotu 9.8.08 ráno o druhej v Prešovskom klube Insomnia. Asi o druhej hodine rannej vyšla na pódium česká DJka Lucca, ktorú poznajú priaznivci tanečnej hudby na celom svete. Nemôžem si pomôcť, ale aj napriek tomu, že hrala perfektne, čakal som, že žena za mixom si to bude viac uživať. Že bude viac komunikovať s davom… Ale ináč si svoju úlohu headlinerky splnila na výbornu. Na záver celej párty sa ešte predstavil Dj Peetboy, ktorý hrával aj v známom klube Arzenal. A musím sa priznať, že práve to, čo mi chýbalo pri vystúpení Luccy on splnil skvele. Aj keď už pomaly ľudia odchádzali a pomaly začalo svitať, dokázal všetkých, čo vydržali do konca perfektne rozpumpovať. A pre mňa to bol druhý vrchol vydareného večera. Môžem s potešením skonštatovať, že prvý ročník Sun Dance open air beach patry dopadol na výbornu a je to skvelý prísľub do budúceho roka. Zvuk bol tiež dobrý, svetiel mohlo byť aj viac, ale pohoda. Snaď jediné, čo by sa dalo vytknúť je, že by to mohlo byť štýlovo pestrejšie, keďže sa hralo prevažne v rytme progressive/house/elektro/trance… Ale kto sa chcel dobre zabaviť, mal na to ideálne podmienky a počasie nám tiež prialo. Uvidíme, čo si pre nás organizátor prichystá o rok. Pripravil mischelll a Koval
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0/4793 Sundance Party 0/4555 Sundance Party 0/4597 Sundance Party
0/4441 Sundance Party 0/4623 Sundance Party 0/5302 Sundance Party Line Up
0/4641 DJ Paul G 0/4554 DJ Paul G 0/4524 DJ Paul G
0/4410 Sundance Party 0/4483 Tyson 0/4458 Sundance Party
0/4412 Sundance Party 0/4374 Sundance Party 0/4494 Sundance Party
0/4365 Sundance Party 0/4570 Tyson a babenka :) 0/5160 DJ Paul G & DJ Stan
0/4343 Sundance Party 0/4525 Sundance Party 0/4369 Sundance Party
0/5042 DJ Paul G & DJ Stan 0/4540 Sundance Party 0/4376 Tyson
0/4414 Sundance Party 0/4377 Sandra 0/4367 Sundance Party V.I.P
0/4562 Koval 0/4468 Ochrancovia 0/4622 Sikovne Babenky :)
0/4389 Sundance Party 0/4446 Pes 0/4506 Tyson
0/4659 Tomas 0/4381 DJ Stan 0/4447 DJ Stan
0/4531 DJ Stan 0/4433 DJ Stan 0/4369 DJ Stan
0/4429 Tomas a Sandra 0/4413 Hamka 0/4335 Tysonix :)
0/4454 Tomas a Sandra 0/4337 Sundance Party 0/4321 Sundance Party
0/4270 Sundance Party 0/4304 Sundance Party 0/4359 Sundance Party
0/4385 Sandra a Miro 0/4232 Sundance Party 0/4270 Sundance Party
0/4354 Sundance Party 0/4327 Sundance Party 0/4243 Sundance Party
0/4262 Sundance Party 0/4255 Sundance Party 0/4550 Sundance Party
0/4292 Sundance Party 0/4332 Sundance Party 0/4396 Sundance Party
0/4620 DJ Folly 0/4555 DJ Folly 0/5072 DJ Folly
0/5154 DJ Folly 0/4394 DJ Folly 0/4396 DJ Folly
0/4355 DJ Folly 0/4315 Sundance Party 0/4376 DJ Folly
0/4347 DJ Folly 0/4858 DJ Folly 0/4359 DJ Folly
0/4419 DJ Folly 0/4418 Sundance Party 0/4384 Sundance Party
0/4314 DJ Folly 0/4253 Sundance Party 0/4333 Sundance Party
0/4643 Sundance Party 0/4248 Sundance Party 0/4312 Sundance Party
0/4242 Sundance Party 0/4359 Sundance Party 0/4251 Sundance Party
0/4320 Sundance Party 0/4321 Sundance Party 0/4233 Sundance Party
0/4364 Kamil 0/4293 Sundance Party 0/4221 Sundance Party
0/4279 Sundance Party 0/4487 Sundance Party 0/4319 Sundance Party
0/4325 Pes :) 0/4319 Sundance Party 0/4246 Sundance Party
0/4272 Sundance Party 0/4236 Sundance Party 0/4233 Sundance Party
0/4269 Kamil 0/4311 Sundance Party 0/4259 Sundance Party
0/4311 Sundance Party 0/4252 Sundance Party 0/4238 Sundance Party
0/4199 Sundance Party 0/4352 DJ Folly 0/4271 Sundance Party
0/4280 Sundance Party 0/4405 Sundance Pohodicka 0/4318 Sundance Party
0/4364 Tyson 0/4261 Sundance Party 0/4241 Sundance Party
0/4431 Sundance Party 0/4320 Sundance Party 0/4719 DJ Trix
0/4649 DJ Trix 0/4285 Sundance Party 0/4672 DJ Trix
0/4587 DJ Trix 0/4327 Sundance Party 0/4349 Sundance Party
0/4791 DJ Trix 0/4972 DJ Trix 0/4760 DJ Trix
0/5085 DJ Trix 0/5115 DJ Trix 0/4452 K.ubo a Kamil
0/4488 Sundance Party 0/4290 Sundance Party 0/4305 Sundance Party
0/4297 Sundance Party 0/4225 Sundance Party 0/4266 Sundance Party
0/4355 Sundance Party 0/4353 Sundance Party 0/4525 Sundance Party V.I.P
0/4594 DJ Trix 0/4489 Sundance Party 0/4734 DJ Trix
0/4646 DJ Trix 0/4550 DJ Trix 0/4407 Sundance Party
0/4334 Sundance Party 0/4408 Sandra 0/4518 Koval
0/4338 Jozko 0/4276 Sundance Party 0/4294 Sundance Party
0/4295 Sundance Party 0/4197 Sundance Party 0/4532 Sundance Party
0/4278 Sundance Party 0/4221 Sundance Party 0/4249 Sundance Party
0/4188 Sundance Party 0/4177 Sundance Party 0/4272 Sundance Party
0/4374 DJ Beat 0/4299 Sundance Party 0/4228 Sundance Party
0/4292 Sundance Party 0/4332 DJ Beat 0/4267 DJ Beat
0/4317 DJ Beat 0/4277 DJ Beat 0/4288 Sundance Party
0/4317 Sundance Party 0/4566 DJ Beat 0/4315 DJ Beat
0/4360 Sundance Party 0/4310 Sundance Party 0/4300 Koval
0/4280 Sundance Party 0/4295 Sundance Party 0/4301 Sundance Party
0/4392 Sundance Party 0/4380 Sundance Party 0/4275 Sundance Party
0/4277 Sundance Party 0/4481 Sundance Party 0/4416 Sundance Party
0/4288 Sundance Party 0/4443 Tyson a jeho (Pes) 0/4272 Sundance Party
0/4239 Sundance Party 0/4233 DJ Beat 0/4324 DJ Beat
0/4396 Sundance Party 0/4320 Sundance Party 0/4390 Aj tu sa dostal WILSONIC :)
0/4302 Sundance Party 0/4335 Sundance Party 0/4193 Sundance Party
0/4224 Sundance Party 0/4325 Sundance Party 0/4271 Sundance Party
0/4311 K.ubo a Kamil a nejake to PIVKO :) 0/4344 DJ Beat 0/4217 Sundance Party
0/4436 Sundance Party 0/4377 Sundance Party 0/4345 Sundance Party
0/4270 Sundance Party 0/4361 Sundance Party 0/4254 Sundance Party
0/4234 Sundance Party 0/4319 Sundance Party 0/4655 Sundance Party
0/4302 Sundance Party 0/4398 Sundance Party 0/5169 Sandra
0/4326 Sundance Party 0/4221 Sundance Party 0/4480 Sundance Party
0/4406 Koval 0/4392 DJ Beat 0/4518 Sundance Party
0/4341 Sundance Party 0/4313 Sundance Party 0/4251 DJ Beat
0/4332 Sundance Party 0/4217 Sundance Party 0/4234 Sundance Party
0/4330 Kovalovci :) 0/4258 Sundance Party 0/4679 Sundance Party
0/4286 Sundance Party 0/4246 Sundance Party 0/4257 DJ Beat
0/4214 DJ Beat 0/4259 Sundance Party 0/4441 Sundance Party V.I.P
0/4495 Sundance Party 0/4615 Sundance Party 0/4281 Sundance Party
0/4335 Sundance Party 0/4350 Sundance Party 0/4618 Sundance Party
0/4788 Sundance Party 0/4472 Sundance Party 0/4442 Sundance Party
0/4292 Sundance Party 0/4205 Sundance Party 0/4430 Bidlo aka DJ Aqua
0/4391 Bidlo aka DJ Aqua 0/4258 Sundance Party 0/4308 Bidlo aka DJ Aqua
0/4271 Sundance Party 0/4249 Bidlo aka Dj Aqua 0/4313 Bidlo aka DJ Aqua
0/4275 Sundance Party 0/4307 Bidlo aka DJ Aqua 0/5347 Bidlo aka DJ Aqua
0/4599 Bidlo aka DJ Aqua 0/4406 Bidlo aka DJ Aqua 0/4197 Sundance Party
0/4338 Bidlo aka DJ Aqua 0/4297 Bidlo aka DJ Aqua 0/4298 Sundance Party
0/4238 Sundance Party 0/4289 Sundance Party 0/4312 Sundance Party
0/4262 Bidlo aka DJ Aqua 0/4265 Bidlo aka DJ Aqua 0/4260 Sundance Party
0/4280 Sundance Party 0/4332 Bratranci :) 0/4389 Milan Lieskovsky
0/4414 Milan Lieskovsky 0/4462 Milan Lieskovsky 0/4509 Milan Lieskovsky
0/4401 Milan Lieskovsky 0/4456 Milan Lieskovsky 0/4431 Milan Lieskovsky
0/4301 Sundance Party 0/4385 Milan Lieskovsky 0/4354 Milan Lieskovsky
0/4403 Milan Lieskovsky 0/4282 Sundance Party 0/4290 Sundance Party
0/4292 Sundance Party 0/4246 Sundance Party 0/4383 Milan Lieskovsky
0/4374 Milan Lieskovsky 0/4232 Sundance Party 0/4301 Sundance Party
0/4383 Milan Lieskovsky 0/4251 Sundance Party 0/4246 Sundance Party
0/4262 Sundance Party 0/4378 Milan Lieskovsky 0/4407 Milan Lieskovsky
0/4288 Sundance Party 0/4365 Sundance Party 0/4355 Koval
0/4368 Mischelll a Sandra 0/4326 Mischelll a Sandra 0/4273 Sundance Party
0/4275 Sundance Party 0/4436 K.ubo a Igor, haji buvi 0/4217 Sundance Party
0/4215 Sundance Party 0/4277 Sundance Party 0/4281 Sundance Party
0/4712 Sundance Party 0/4571 Sundance Party 0/4388 Sundance Party
0/4289 Sundance Party 0/4289 PeterKE 0/4364 Pes a PeterKE
0/4520 Sundance Party 0/4444 Sundance Oddych 0/4293 Sundance Party
0/4317 Lenka 0/4203 Sundance Party 0/4184 Sundance Party
0/4199 Sundance Party 0/4201 Sundance Party 0/4248 Sundance Party
0/4238 PeterKE 0/4268 PeterKE 0/4232 PeterKE
0/4372 Koval a PIVKO 0/4213 Sundance Party 0/4229 Sundance Party
0/4198 Sundance Party 0/4495 Sundance Party 0/4346 Sundance Party
0/4291 Sundance Party 0/4281 Sundance Party 0/4333 Sundance Party
0/4242 Sundance Party 0/4357 Sundance Party 0/4421 Babenky :)
0/4288 Sundance Party 0/4434 Sundance Party 0/4283 Sundance Party
0/4181 Sundance Party 0/4243 Sundance Party 0/4297 Sundance Party
0/4208 Sundance Party 0/4347 Milan Lieskovsky 0/4276 Sundance Party
0/4521 Sundance Party 0/4730 Sundance Party 0/4461 Sundance Party
0/4334 Sundance Party 0/4661 DJ Lucca 0/4282 Sundance Party
0/5097 DJ Lucca 0/4752 DJ Lucca 0/4638 DJ Lucca
0/4761 DJ Lucca 0/5255 DJ Lucca 0/7547 DJ Lucca
0/6927 DJ Lucca, Milan Lieskovsky & BIG BOSS 0/4863 Sundance Party 0/4949 DJ Lucca
0/4311 Sundance Party 0/4739 DJ Lucca 0/4987 DJ Lucca
0/4857 DJ Lucca 0/4689 DJ Lucca 0/4293 Sundance Party
0/4345 Sundance Party 0/6429 DJ Lucca 0/4643 DJ Lucca
0/4794 DJ Lucca 0/4645 DJ Lucca 0/4707 DJ Lucca
0/4661 Sundance Party 0/4418 Sundance Party 0/6005 Sandra
0/4425 Kamil 0/4396 Igor a Tyson 0/4353 Sundance Party
0/4298 Sundance Party 0/4618 Sundance Party 0/4365 Sundance Party
0/4299 Sundance Party 0/4625 Sundance Party 0/4250 Sundance Party
0/4307 K.ubo a Kamil 0/4373 Sundance Party 0/4596 DJ Lucca
0/4643 DJ Lucca 0/4580 DJ Lucca 0/4633 Sundance Party
0/4692 Sundance Party 0/4667 DJ Lucca 0/4394 Sundance Party
0/4693 DJ Lucca 0/4602 DJ Lucca 0/5006 DJ Lucca
0/5469 DJ Lucca & men 0/4919 DJ Lucca 0/4446 Sundance Party
0/4301 Sundance Party 0/4235 Sundance Party 0/4274 Sundance Party
0/4308 Sundance Party 0/4596 DJ Lucca 0/4659 DJ Lucca
0/4535 DJ Peetboy 0/4518 DJ Peetboy 0/4275 Sundance Party
0/4372 Sundance Party 0/4371 Koval a Mischelll 0/4340 Koval a Mischelll
0/4266 Sundance Party 0/4486 DJ Peetboy 0/4605 DJ Peetboy
0/4688 DJ Peetboy 0/4532 DJ Peetboy 0/4314 Sundance Party
0/4273 Sundance Party 0/4281 Sundance Party 0/4403 DJ Peetboy
0/4279 Sundance Party 0/4257 Sundance Party 0/4287 Sundance Party
0/4294 Sundance Party 0/4751 Sundance Party 0/4604 Sundance Party
0/4447 Sundance Party 0/4355 Sundance Party 0/4317 Sundance Party
0/4304 Sundance Party 0/4760 Sundance Party 0/4486 Sundance Party
1/7689 Sundance Party 0/4594 Sundance Party 0/4623 Sundance Party
Najnovšie fotoreporty
O fotoreporte
- Názov:
- Sun Dance Open Air - Beach Party Domaša
- Fotograf:
- mischelll
- Klub:
- Publikované:
- 5.8.2008 - 17:41
- Počet fotiek:
- 437
SunDance Open Air Beach Party
- Názov:
- SunDance Open Air Beach Party
- Dátum:
(sobota)- Klub:
Mesto. štát: - Hudobné štýly:
- techno
- house
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