Fotky & fotoreporty
FestEasy 009 "license to chill" , 25.7.2009, Amfiteáter, Kežmarok by kačenka & hudri
V sobotu sa konal nultý ročník multižánrového festivalu FestEasy. Na amfiteátri sa predstavili kapely Másfél so speváčkou Gaya Arutjunjan, Uno Y medio spolu s MC Zeecom, Karpatské Chrbáty, Plastic Swans, Olgoj Chorchoj, It's OK, Amoniak a The Pillows. O vizuálny zážitok sa postarali VJ-i z partnerského festivalu AVIT "licence to screen".
Komentáre (0) | Odkaz e-mailom | Odkaz autorovi
0/3752 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/4683 Amoniak 0/3806 Amoniak
0/3808 Amoniak 0/3729 Amoniak 0/3748 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3813 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3822 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 1/4259 Amoniak
0/3995 Amoniak 0/3768 Amoniak 0/3699 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3690 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3785 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 1/3973 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3741 Plastic Swans 0/3779 It's OK! 0/3712 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3739 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3766 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3715 It's OK!
0/3729 It's OK! 0/3698 It's OK! 0/3851 It's OK!
0/3708 It's OK! 0/3728 It's OK! 0/3872 It's OK!
0/3771 It's OK! 0/3704 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3739 It's OK!
0/3781 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3652 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3722 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3698 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/4245 It's OK! 0/3806 It's OK!
0/3668 It's OK! 0/3770 Plastic Swans 0/3742 Plastic Swans
0/3679 Plastic Swans 0/3768 Plastic Swans 0/3764 Plastic Swans
0/3870 Plastic Swans 0/4423 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3723 Plastic Swans
0/3935 Plastic Swans 0/4008 Plastic Swans 0/3685 Plastic Swans
0/3727 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3715 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3729 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3696 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3697 Plastic Swans 0/3733 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3714 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3678 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3676 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3688 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3648 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3673 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3686 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3737 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3725 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3718 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3726 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3738 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3694 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/4272 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3721 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3675 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/4357 Karpatske chrbaty 0/3957 Karpatske chrbaty
0/3739 Karpatske chrbaty 0/3682 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3736 Karpatske chrbaty
0/3823 Karpatske chrbaty 0/3709 Karpatske chrbaty 0/3636 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3704 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3668 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3690 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3669 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3658 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3806 Masfel
0/3805 Masfel 0/3774 Gaya Arutjunjan 0/3744 Gaya Arutjunjan
0/3700 Uno Y Medio 0/3683 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3676 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3682 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3687 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3737 FestEasy 009 "license to chill"
0/3752 Uno Y Medio 0/3667 FestEasy 009 "license to chill" 0/3743 MC Zeec
0/3740 MC Zeec 0/3782 Uno Y Medio 0/3679 Uno Y Medio + MC Zeec
Najnovšie fotoreporty
O fotoreporte
- Názov:
- FestEasy 009 "license to chill" , 25.7.2009, Amfiteáter, Kežmarok by kačenka & hudri
- Fotografka:
- kačenka & hudri
- Klub:
- Amfiteáter, Kežmarok, Slovensko
- Publikované:
- 28.7.2009 - 00:00
- Počet fotiek:
- 99
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